Ask Elly ~ Intuitive Insights

Intuitive Advisor & Consultant. Ask Elly is a podcast where topics range from consciousness to the mystical.

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Tuesday Jun 02, 2020

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020

First Live “AskElly”. Thank you all for joining me today!

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020

Psychokinesis & Telekinesis and the amazing things you may not know about it!

Psi-Kids The Next Generation

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020

Tuesday Jun 16, 2020

This episode is about guiding your child/ren in trusting their intuition and teaching them telepathy, remote viewing and fostering their abilities and emotional intelligence. 

Tuesday Jun 23, 2020

If you've got questions you'd like an intuitive or psychic answer to, call in and join the fun!We'll also be talking about overcoming the 3R's... and how you can use these techniques to move into 4th dimensional thinking hence living!
The 3R's are resentment, regret and resistance! Learn how this emotions and thought patterns are preventing you from living in a higher dimensional frequency

Tuesday Jun 30, 2020

This morning's podcast is about the powers we have when we learn to harness them! From spoon bending to fork bending, to remote viewing and then transferring these abilities to our every day lives. Learn how to use your remarkable mindpowers to achieve what it is you want for yourself, your life, your business and harness your true potential to create real magic! 
There are psychic questions answered and a celebrity prediction as well! 
Enjoy the show! 

Tuesday Jul 07, 2020

During this episode we will discuss the wondrous gift we all have & that is self talk! Learning to utilize its power yields remarkable results in our physical reality. Callers’ psychic questions will be answered .

Tuesday Jul 14, 2020

Emerson’s teachings today & your psychic questions answered!

Tuesday Jul 21, 2020

During this call we discuss the importance of learning the language of your subconscious mind and how this impacts our life. Callers and questions are answered. This episode our caller's were interested in starting their families and what it takes and beliefs holding them back. 

Tuesday Jul 28, 2020

Today discuss the Lion's Gate Portal, Divine Timing, Publishing and Writing, Numerology and Astrology. We even dive into a bit about relationships and communication! Join us each week live at 10:00 am 

Tuesday Aug 04, 2020

Today's topic covers submitted questions regarding real estate, relationship and Uranus in Taurus aka. "The Event" and predications of what's to come! 


Ask Elly~ Intuitive Insights

This live weekly podcast provides a platform for people to call in with questions ranging from personal development to accessing higher consciousness and emotional intelligence. Topics range from the mystical to magical while developing our human potential.

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